
Dinah and I are building a sun room on the back of our house.  We considered using re-purposed (meaning old) windows and began the hunt.

We found stained glass, windows of all sizes, lots of history, and in all conditions imaginable.

Two things caught my attention.

First, the word “re-purposed”. While it’s certainly possible to use items in ways they were originally intended (windows in a new addition), re-purposing something means to use it in ways it wasn’t originally designed for.  In our case, we were looking for windows to be used as windows.  But since we began our search we found lots of creative uses for old windows other than looking through them and keeping the weather out.

Second, many of the windows we looked at had real beauty on the inside and were weather beaten on the outside. But with know-how and time virtually anything can be made usable again.

My application?

When an individual submits to Jesus as Savior and Lord, they get re-purposed!  They are made into a completely different person – “new creations in Christ” as St. Paul states in II Corinthians 5:17.  Yet, as the inside is made new – we find the weathering processes of life continue!

The Good News?  Jesus alone has the know-how to fix our inside and keep repaired the parts the world beats on and weathers.

God is amazing!



Pastor Mark